Interview with the AP Collection / by Cara Livorio

Check out my AP Collection interview.

I had a great experience with Genevieve who curates a fantastic project called, the AP Collection.  We had a cool chat about my background, my work, and about our creative experience.  She is assembling a collection of audio portraits of people in the creative industries in the city; its a cool and positive project that I'm very happy and proud to be a part of.  

She has a great personality and curiosity that make the interview fun and natural, and I was impressed with her team.  Thanks Genevieve, Jerome, and David for coming out to my New Ken studio and for your support.  I hope that people can enjoy some insight into my crazy life and personal creative journey--however random or relevant or cool or not it might be.  That is the point. "Room to breath, time to speak."  Ciao guys, take a listen.